Makeup, hair, music and good books

Makeup, hair, music and good books

March 11, 2013

Random stuff that I bought lately!Mother`sDay & More!

Hello lovely ladies!! I went shopping for Mother`s Day and since I was already there I bought a few things for myself also. Just couldn`t resist!:) First I ordered two books online because I found a sale : so I ended up ordering "P.S. I love you" by Cecilia Ahern and "Love and Friendship" by  Jane Austen . Excited to get them. I also ordered a few items from ELF , but a few of them I gave them as present to some of my aunts for Women`s Day and I ended up remainin with a blush, a lipstick, a duo cream eyeshadow, an eyelid primer and some sponges. After I bought present for my mother, I bought for myself an eyeshadow quad and two nailpolishes. I also have pending an Avon order , only for 2 products: a concealer and a washing mousse for my skin. I starting to put in place the things that I am going to take with me, so I am buying what I am missing so I don`t pannic in the last days and I have all that I need. If you would like for me to do a makeup look with these eyeshadowa, just let me know. I actually boght them to use for everyday makeu at work.  Here are pictures with the stuff I bought:

Until next time, KISSES AND ALL THE BEST!!
P.S.: Since I talked about my mother`s presents here`s a photo with the gift itself and with my mom and her best friend before going to Mother`s Day Party.
Me and My bf made this basket for my mother!!:)

My mother in blue and her best friend in white!!Aren`t they lovely??:) Love you guys!!!