Makeup, hair, music and good books

Makeup, hair, music and good books

February 5, 2014


Everyone looks at life in so many different ways and everyone in this world perceive things differently. One can not expect from others to understand what is going on inside their mind... We are all unique in a way. Some may discover their way, some may not...All you can do is just live your life and always keep in your mind that you are given only one chance to make it worth it. Do something else, something that people will remember. Don`t think small, because you will not get far! Think big and do what your heart tells you to do. Believe in that instinct that you have deep down and lead your life as you wish. No one will hold you responsible for making your wishes come true, and no one will tell you what to do if you know where your standing. Always be yourself and you`ll have the time of your life knowing that people look at you as you really are. Don`t fool yourself thinking that the best car, the best house or money will ever get you through a heartbreak, a disease or a loss. It is only  you that can make things better for your own soul, and only you that knows what you really need. Things in life are not easy, but when you find yourself in a rough patch just think of those who have nothing and still have their smiles on their faces, think of innocent children that don`t know what life will bring...and think that you are lucky to be given this chance to do something different, something good. If you can do something good for someone, do it! Step by step you`ll get better at being good and it will become your nature. You take nothing with you but your soul...So make it a good one `cause you`ll be stuck with it for the eternity. Dare to dream every step of the way!Don`t be ashamed with who you are and always try to be better tomorrow,than you were yesterday. Just don`t get lost in the small things and don`t ever think is too complicated. All is simple, unless you make it complicated. If you love someone, don`t be late on showing it. If you want to say something nice, say it. you never know what tomorrow brings, so be prepared...When you go to sleep let go of everything and just rest your mind. Be the owner of your life and make every single day worth living.

Kisses all and good night!! Believe in yourselves!