Makeup, hair, music and good books

Makeup, hair, music and good books

January 20, 2011

My little Jewelry Box - Rings

This is my little jewelry box I recently bought, is very cute and I keep all my rings in it. Hope you enjoy it!

 - The first ring is from my parents, they gave it to me when I passed an important exam. :)
 - These two rings are from my boyfriend :

 - And the rest of the rings are just random rings that I bought through the time. Enjoy and let me know your opinion:
P.S.: You can see that I loooveee butterflies:X:X


  1. cum te-a indurat inima sa pui doar 4-5 pozici cu fluturi?ma mir ca nu zboara fluturii pe aici pe pagina ta!intr-o zi o sa te manancccceeeeee un flutureeeeee!o sa inneb numai ffffluuuuuttttttuuuuuuuuuuuri!
