Makeup, hair, music and good books

Makeup, hair, music and good books

February 2, 2013


HELLO Beautiful bloggers! I saw that this topic is very popular among the youtubers and bloggers and I decided to do one myself. Normally is 50 facts, but I didn`t want to bore you so much so I cut it in half:) There you go:

1. I LOVE COFFEE.[I`m practically a coffee junky, you cand ask anyone who knows me:)]

2. I really like peel-off masks, in fact I have one on my face right now while I`m writing.

3. My secret hobby is writing. [And I mean every single thing that inspire me, or just came to my head and it sounds interesting,quotes from the books I read, I keep 2 or 3 notebooks with these things, and I always have one in my handbag]

4. My secret obsession is pens. [every kind of writing tool, I have a big collection, and I usual get one from every single place I go just as a reminder, I buy new sets and I keep them in their packaching just because they look so lovely:))]

5. I love makeup and everything related to it.

6. I watch youtube videos every single day.

7. My favorite number is 7.:)

8. My favorite colours are green, blue, black and all of the tones from these colours.

9. I like to read , A LOT.

10. I love to do things like bracelets, necklaces and all sorts of DIY projects.

11. I`m always collecting something.

12. I have too many earrings.

13. I love taking pictures .

14. I would really love a professional camera, so this is where my money will go if I win something.:))

15. I want to go in cooking school.

16. I like to think of myself as a very inventive person.

17. I have a very active imagination.

18. I get upset very quickly, but in 5 minutes I forget why.

19. I love blogging.

20. I am constantly dreaming about how my life will be like in future.

21. I like to think that I will be a very successfull person .

22. I sing like a crazy person everytime I got the chance, but I get shy singing in front of other people.

23. I will be sad without music.[a song can simply change my mood, day or mind]

24. I love to cook.

25. I talk too much.

That`s about it...25 random facts about myself...hope you didn`t get bored, and learned some other things about me. :) XOXO


 p.s. : 26th fact as a bonus: I love to give things to other people, I would really like to have some sort of charity company to make more people give to other that don`t have quite so much.


  1. I am the same with coffee i cant get enough, Even though i know its really bad for my teeth. But damm i cant life without it!

    Pipp xx

  2. Yeah....anyway, I don`t know know if you remember Gilmore Girls, but I`m just like that...:))I believe I drink coffee since I was about 13 or 14. :D ADDICTED!!
